Work Expo
Work Expo is the metaphor of making and exhibiting in a playful and collaborative way to create visual messages of the team’s values, the reason for being in a team and anchoring it in the minds and spirit of our employees.
It’s one of the simple practices in Management 3.0, but its value lies in the metaphor that makes the collaborative activities you can with your people to create a team identity visible and public.
How to view a purpose?
How to share a vision?
How to tell your story?
Often the organization has a vision, a mission statement (for your organization, your product, your team)
But words don’t get the message across.
What you should shows, don’t tell!

Explain the Practice
Each team has its own identity.

Because of the pandemic, we changed the way we do Work Expo.
We generate visual spaces in our management systems.
In conjunction with scrum, agile and lean methodology, we use ceremonies to make our identity presentations.
During our meetings, we display our values, needs, agendas, backlog, important information, dashboards, etc.
Our sprint (scrum) lasts two weeks.
At the beginning of a new sprint, we ask the team the following question:
What is the purpose of the project, phase or sprint, etc. for the team?
After this introspection we define the backlog, generate the metrics and the important data and values that we will display and monitor daily.

During the retrospective:
What are your favorite stories about the project, phase or sprint (good and bad), (What did we do right? What did we do wrong?
At each retrospective, we follow up to measure the metrics and understand if we are on the right path.

In addition to data relating to business objectives and tasks, we know the profile of our employees.
Soccer team
Name of children/wife father and mother
Every Friday we have a short Friday where we socialize and one team shows the other the results and values.
Why did you decide to use this practice
To show employees what the company is doing and bring a sense of ownership to the team.
Who doesn’t have one reason doesn’t know the why.
Leave clear our purposes, goals, objectives, the reason for our existence and where we are going.
That was our intention, to inform the team collaborators about the reasons for things happen.
When you know the reason for your existence, everything is easier to reach.
With objectives and goals make the team responsible for the purpose.
With the data and information on the display (visible) everyone knows which direction the company is heading.
And with the feeling of belonging
How did you use this practice

We create a family feeling with the teams.
Each team went through a process of getting to know each other and getting to know each other using dynamics: Personal Maps.
After the personal maps process, we populate our systems with information relevant to each team and team.
heart team
Wife Name
Wedding day
Projects you are involved in.
And in our management systems, everyone has access to complementary information of the company’s employees.
Our company works with scrum and lean methodology.
At each new sprint, we work together with the team to show the reasons for that new challenge and/or project.
And at each retrospective we show if our goals and objectives were met and also where we can improve.
Your learnings as facilitator
We were able to generate concise metrics and make the team’s employees aware of the company’s goals and objectives.
We generated OKRS and our team became more committed and aware of the steps the company is taking and where it is going.
It was simple to identify the purpose.
The team grew in maturity and creativity.
We use the information as points to define what we will do in our future.
The Work Expo has served us the feeling of belonging of the teams with the company.
With relevant and easily accessible information, collaborators have a way to identify and resolve their own conflicts.
Teams that need to work together now manage to understand who will be sharing the task before getting their hands dirty.
Now teams feel comfortable to switch teams and even pivot a job or project.